Saturday, February 19, 2011

Beautiful Day

Today reminded me of some old pictures I took back in 2009.  We have had a couple days of rain, but today we had a beautiful break with sun and clouds.  It reminded me of how beautiful Southern California can be with just a touch of water.
The pics below are of a road just a couple of blocks from my house.  It is my favorite to drive down, either to my house, or on my way to run errands in town.  The kids call it “the animal way” since there are 2 pieces of property with petting zoo animals that we feed once in a while.  There is also a beautiful heard of cattle (yes, I think cows are beautiful) across the road from the petting zoo animals. 
Some days I go out of my way to drive down this road, it always makes me smile at the beautiful landscape God has created!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely beautiful pictures Tracy! You have a
    talent for both the camera and your view of

