The summer flew by so fast and now it is time to head back to school! I found some great ideas for teacher gifts and started with an adorable idea for an insulated cup (they are all the rage) that can be found for $5 at Wal-Mart. I then filled it with some lemonade drink packets and a small bag of cookies. The tag says, “Thank you for quenching my thirst for knowledge”. The kids had “Meet the Teacher” day on Friday morning, so they met their teacher and then handed them each a cup. They were a huge hit!
I also like to do practical gifts. Due to the budget crisis our teachers have NO money to spend on basic classroom supplies and have to reach into their own pockets for stuff like Kleenex, copy paper, and paper towels. On the first day of school each one of my kids will go with boxes of Kleenex for their teachers. My son is also giving his teacher note cards for speeches they will be working on. It is always nice to send extra school supplies; some kids never bring them or can’t afford them.
My daughter’s teacher is teaching an apple unit for the first week of school! She is very excited and couldn’t wait to pick out her apple at the grocery store. I also went ahead and picked out five different apples; being sure to leave the stickers on them to let the teacher know which ones they were. I then painted her initial on a canvas re-usable lunch bag, put the apples in, and tied it with a cute ribbon. Now she has extras for the kids that don’t bring them to school!
Happy Back to School!
Trac - love these ideas - you are awesome friend!