We have a crazy cat that lives at our house. He is an important member of the family and really keeps us all entertained. I rescued him from a shelter a year and a half ago as a surprise for the kids (I love animals and if it wasn’t for my husband’s limitations on pets we would have many more rescued animals).
The Many Adventures of Crazy Cat
1. Has captured over 50 lizards and has brought at least 20 into our house.
2. Has caught 2 birds, brought one in and left it alive under the Christmas tree.
3. Brought me a dead mouse for New Year’s.
4. Chased a Coyote down our street and lived to meow about it.
5. Chases our neighbor’s medium sized dog back into their house.
6. Climbs the kids play structure and goes down the slide.
7. Does all this weighing in at 17 pounds!
Tracy, I love this picture of Lego! It makes him look lean and mean and beautiful at the same time. How is the bird feeder going? XO